If you do not wish to use our do-it-yourself guides, we also provide a cancellation service:

Cancel PayPal Subscription

PayPal is a digital wallet system. As one of the largest eCommerce websites in the world, PayPal users create accounts and send/receive money electronically for goods and services. Whether you're shopping online or receiving payment for services rendered, PayPal makes it easy to transfer money electronically. Be aware: when you purchase subscriptions via PayPal you will usually need to cancel those subscriptions through PayPal. If you contact the company the subscription is under, they may direct you to PayPal or not recognize you in their system at all.

Due to PayPal's user friendly approach, canceling a subscription that is tied to your PayPal account is pretty straightforward. Here are the steps:

What You’ll Need

  • PayPal account information (email and password)
  • Access to a computer

Steps to Cancel

  1. Login into your PayPal account using your email and password. 
  2. Once you’re logged on, click "History" under "My Account" in the top navigation.
  3. Search for all of your transactions to date. Using the dropdown panel, look for “Subscriptions and Agreements”.
  4. Once your subscriptions have pulled up, click on the merchant name of the subscription you would like to cancel. 
  5. Click “Cancel Profile” or “Cancel Subscription” based on the type of account you are canceling. These buttons appear at the bottom of the page or under the merchant’s name at the top left of the screen. 
  6. Confirm the cancelation. Keep a copy of the cancelation receipt for your records in case you run into any further issues.

Expert Tip

  • Still having issues? Contact Paypal via telephone at 1-888-221-1161. Keep in mind that they may have a series of security questions before connecting you to your account.

...Or avoid the hassle overall and let CancelWizard cancel your PayPal subscription for you!

Company Information

Phone: 888-221-1161
Alternate Phone: 888-648-5843
E-mail: complianceverifications@paypal.com
Address: -
Alternate Address: -
City: -
State: -
Zip: -

If you do not wish to use our do-it-yourself guides, we also provide a cancellation service:

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